William Perez



I am a mathematics enthusiast with a keen interest in programming, specifically focusing on optimization and parallelism on GPUs. My primary areas of interest include CUDA, Julia, finite differences and finite elements.

Additionally, I have a fascination with color theory from a computational perspective. I am also intrigued by the development of pseudo-random algorithms or hash functions that boast extremely long periods.


After my bachelor degree in 2019, I worked for two years on educational projects with ongs and then started my master’s degree of Scientific Computing in Puerto Rico.

In all my time of study I have been an instructor for different courses and in my master’s degree I have had the opportunity to teach basic mathematics courses to new students.

Opcion legal [Full-time]
2019.10 - 2021.12
Educational Advisor

This work consisted mainly in strengthening pedagogical aspects in public educational institutions for the mitigation of xenophobia due to the forced Venezuelan migration that arose since 2015-2016 to Colombia.

  • Xenophobia prevention
  • Empowerment of vulnerable persons


Scientific Computing
  • Emphasis on numerical computations
  • Algorithm analysis
  • 3.44/4.0
  • Emphasis on algebra
  • 4.24/5.00


I love foreign languages, mainly english and its culture. I don’t have a inmmersive experience. However its a objective in progress to be fully fluent.

Spanish [Native]
English [Intermediate]


Most of my interest are nearest to program low level code or rutines with efficiency in mind. Sometimes i know that can hurt my progress on develop functional applications to people.

Programming in Julia
RNGs and Fortune Algorithm
Game Engines and ECS
Learn Zig
Home server and Mersenne Prime searcher enthusiast.